There comes a time in
every designer's lifetime
when they want to create
their own lace. Whether it's a result of not being
able to find the perfect
lace repeat in a stitch
dictionary or the desire
to create something
completely unique, you’ll
need a way to express
these ideas and put
them into a useable
the urge to create
your own motif occurs,
you can create a design
by sticking to a few
simple guidelines. Throughout
the process, you’ll test your ideas by swatching in
the yarn using the same
needles as your final
product, making sure
to block each swatch
the same way the final
product is to be blocked.
Knitting first, design
second. One of the most important aspects of making your
own lace design is setting up the framework that will serve
as the background for your lace motif. Ask
yourself: will your product
will be knit in the round?
Will it be knit flat
with patterning every
row, or every other row? After
deciding on the basic
structure of your item,
consider using
a simple clean silhouette,
which gives you more
flexibility to insert
the lace motif as you
need to. Finally, don't
be afraid to experiment!
First things first: you
need a concept. For this
article, I created a
chart for a cresting
wave motif. The next
step is to make a rough
sketch of your concept
on graph paper, either
by hand or by using a
spreadsheet program or
dedicated charting software.
In the example I used
the popular spreadsheet program
Excel with cell width
set to 1.71 and cell
height set to 15. Darken
the squares in the shape
of the design you want.

1 -- Top Left: Cresting
Wave Drawing | Top
Right: Cresting Wave Chart based
on drawing.
Left: Original Sketch. | Bottom
Right: Chart Key
Lace is a sequence
of negative and positive
space created using
a predetermined series
of yarn overs and decreases.
In our case, the lace
will appear along
the edges of the
drawing we created
with darkened squares,
using negative space
(yarn overs) around
the perimeter of our
drawing for best results.
The simple motif is created
by using combinations
of decrease stitches
and yarn overs. To
keep things simple
and balanced, make
sure that a decrease is
always paired with an increase
so the
total number of stitches
in each row won't
change. Next, transfer
your sketch into
a graph. Copy the
drawing (Fig 1, top
left) using the sketch
as a rough guideline.
The inside darkened
boxes remain the same,
but the outer edges
turn into yarn over/decrease
pairs of k2tog for
a right-leaning
line and ssk for
a left-leaning line
(Fig 1, top
The first example has a sequence
of actions (yarn
overs and decreases)
in every row as opposed
to many examples
where action happens
every other row.
Two historical examples
of knitting that
require the action
in every row can
be found in Shetland
Knitted Lace Shawls,
where there is no
stockinette or garter
row between pattern
rows, and traditional Fair Isle whose peeries require
constant color changes with no plain rows in between.
If you wanted to incorporate the original chart motif
in Figure 1 in a style similar to knitted lace or Fair
Isle colorwork, what is seen in Chart 1 would be satisfactory
without any changes.
For our purposes we need paired
increase and decrease
rows that alternate
with plain knitting
-- also known as
Lace Knitting --
requiring that the
action happen every
other row. To make
the graph work for
our purpose, a rest
row of purls is inserted
between the working
rows as seen in the
Chart in Figure 2 below.
The addition of purl
rows on the wrong
side of the work
will make the motif
taller by separating
the working rows,
and the design elements
will become easier
to distinguish in the
finished knitted

2 -- Top: Chart
identical to Figure 1,
with the addition of
plain purl rows every
other row. Bottom: Swatch.
Note that features are
too close together making
the cresting wave motif
hard to see.
this point,
be sure your
swatch uses
the exact yarn
and needle
size planned
for your design.
You must also
block the swatch
to assess precisely
how your drawing
to your knitting
motif design.
A swatch should
be completed
each time you
settle on an
edit of the
graphed knitting
The Chart in Figure 2 shows the
addition of purl rows in
between the action rows from
the original drawing in Figure
1 top right. But adding them
introduces a new problem -- the Swatch
in Figure 2 looks out of
balance and ill proportioned.
What looks good in a Fair
Isle design with action every
row may look out of sync
and unappealing in Lace Knitting
when action occurs every
other row. What does this
mean in terms of your Swatch?
Without some adjustment,
the drawing may be distorted
and hard to recognize.
What can be done to fix the motif?
Make adjustments
to the Figure 2 Chart
to make it look
more like the sketch.
In this case, the
bottom of the wave
gets wider and the
crest of the wave
is moved up and toward
the center as seen
in the Figure 3 Swatch.
Let us take a moment
after editing and swatching to ask “does
this motif in Figure
3 look like my sketch?” If
not, we’ll repeat the editing process until satisfied
with the finished product.
3 -- Top: Chart
edited to balance out the length and the
width of the motif so that it looks more
like the initial sketch. Bottom: Swatch
taking a close look,
it’s clear that the lines
of the crested wave become
hard to see because there
are too many decrease/increase
pairs at the crest. So
next step is to edit the
Chart in Figure 3 to clean
up the graph and simplify
the overall pattern so
that you can see the wave
motif clearly. This is
done by removing most of
the paired increases and
decreases at the crest
and smoothing out the back
side of the wave. The result
is the Chart in Figure

4 -- Finalized Chart and swatch.
After blocking my swatch,
I’ve discovered that the final edit of the cresting
wave lace motif suits
me and satisfies my desire to create a cresting wave in lace
form. Now it’s ready
to be added to a lace
knitting design.
In summary these are
the things you should
keep in mind when creating
your own lace motifs:
- Decide if the pattern action happens
every row or every
other row.
- Make a rough drawing.
- Translate the drawing to graph form using paired increases
and decreases.
- Swatch and Block your motif.
- Examine your swatch. Are the lines
simple? Is
the design proportional
and pleasing to the
- If not satisfied
with the results, edit
the Chart, repeating
steps 4 and 5 until
you are satisfied with
your work.
- Incorporate your new lace motif into your knitting.
- Celebrate your accomplishment!
Taken individually, the lace motif
design steps are simple,
but be prepared to edit
yourself several times
until you get satisfactory
results. The
journey to creating your
own lace motifs may take
longer than anticipated,
but is a rewarding journey
that will teach you many
things about yourself
and your design work.
Look for inspiration
in everyday silhouettes,
photography, and nature.
Keep a design notebook
handy to jot down your
ideas as they come. Test
your ideas regularly
and be fearless. But
most important of all,
enjoy the creative process
and the feeling of accomplishment
you'll get from designing
something completely
new! |