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Blank Regulars
Spacer Cool stuff!
[in which the hot season means more hot books, hot bags and other knitting paraphernalia that will raise your body temperature]

Spacer Stitches in Time
[in which Franklin takes a little of this, a little of that]

Spacer Techniques with Theresa
[is taking the summer to recover from a little RSI]

Spacer Thinking Beyond the Pattern
[we expect Jenna back for fall]

Spacer Knitty's Yarn Roundtable™
[in which real knitters like you get their hands on yarn and tell us what they think of it]

Featured Articles

Spacer How to create lace motifs [and troubleshoot]
[in which we attempt to channel our inner Barbara Walker]

Spacer Profile: Jennie the Potter
[in which we get a behind-the-scenes look at her creative process]


Knitty Spin
Spacer Cool spinning stuff
[in which we've got fiber, beverage support and a book we've been waiting for!]

Spacer Fiber fiesta!
[in which spinners of all levels of experience get their hands on fiber, spin and knit it and tell you what the stuff is like]

Spacer Knittyspin, the column
[is still working on the cotton thing...we'll be back in fall]

Spacer Spinner's Glossary
[in which Lee shows us the smoother side of spinning]

Spacer Book excerpt + interview
[in which we get to peek at Amy King's new book and chat a little with her, too]

Spacer Pattern: Verdigris
[in which a little roving goes a long, beautiful way]

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