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Pink Needles
Not every knitter is lucky enough to have a Local Yarn Store nearby. And of course, not every yarn shop can carry every yarn.

The Knitty Yarn Roundtable was created to give knitters more information about yarn than just what's on the ball band.

Once a month, 30 knitters gather in Toronto [the hometown of Knitty's editor] to sample a variety of yarns of every possible description -- from budget to super luxury.

The events are open to anyone who can attend, and are advertised on the Knitty blog and the dedicated Yarn Roundtable blog. Knitters bring their own needles and yarn companies of every size send in yarns they want our readers to try.

Five different yarns from five different manufacturers are sampled at each event by all knitters present who provide their opinions on a standardized form. Yarns that did not receive good feedback will not be featured in Knitty, in accordance with our review policy, so if you see a yarn on these pages, it means the majority of knitters liked it, found it interesting or surprising! Yarns are listed below in alphabetical order by yarn name. This issue's reviews include feedback collected from two different Roundtable events.

Editor's note: All swatches shown were knit by the same knitter using what she felt was the most appropriate needle size for each yarn.

Items are rated on scale of 1-5. Retail prices are in USD.

deep love/total agreement/great

Name Hap'i
Brand Mirasol
100% Tanguis Cotton
Yardage 132 y | 100 g
Gauge 4 stitches per inch
Sugg. Retail Price


overall impression YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
would you buy it? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel in the ball? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel knit up? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
is it fairly priced? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how's the stitch definition? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
drapey [1] or stiff [5] ? YRstarYRstarYRstar
describe it in one word
  • squishylicious
  • soft
  • bubbly
  • slubby
what's the one thing you couldn't know about this yarn until you knit with it?
  • it is silky yet sturdy
  • it's not as stiff as most cotton yarns I've experienced
  • a little bit fluffy - it fills in the spaces between the stitches to make a solid fabric
  • chunky, squishy – didn't think I'd like knitting with it
    but I do

Pink Needles

Name Lin
Brand Drops
100% Linen first class
Yardage 120 m | 50 g
Gauge 5.25 stitches per inch
Sugg. Retail Price


overall impression YRstarYRstarYRstar
would you buy it? YRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel in the ball? YRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel knit up? YRstarYRstarYRstar
is it fairly priced? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how's the stitch definition? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
drapey [1] or stiff [5] ? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
describe it in one word
  • shiny
  • straw
  • structural
  • beach
what's the one thing you couldn't know about this yarn until you knit with it?
  • bit of a halo from the loose strands coming off the yarn
  • needs a wash to judge fairly
  • lots of 'fly-aways', and stiffer than it looks
  • it is soft compared to other linens

Pink Needles

Name Natural Dyes Lambswool
Brand Renaissance Dyeing
100% Lambswool
Yardage 250 m | 20 g
Gauge laceweight
Sugg. Retail Price


Biggan Design DK Merino First Cross
overall impression YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
would you buy it? YRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel in the ball? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel knit up? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
is it fairly priced? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how's the stitch definition? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
drapey [1] or stiff [5] ? YRstarYRstar
describe it in one word
  • fine
  • tiny
  • luscious
  • light
what's the one thing you couldn't know about this yarn until you knit with it?
  • even though it is lamb's wool, which I usually find very scratchy, it was very soft to knit with
  • very crisp but hard to keep even
  • has a nice halo
  • how very fine it is – it feels like knitting with thread

Pink Needles

Name Pima cotton + silk handpaint
Brand Misti Alpaca
83% Pima Cotton,
17% Silk
Yardage 327 y | 100 g
Gauge 5.5-6 stitches per inch
Sugg. Retail Price


Garnstudio Eskimo
overall impression YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
would you buy it? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel in the ball? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel knit up? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
is it fairly priced? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how's the stitch definition? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
drapey [1] or stiff [5] ? YRstarYRstarYRstar
describe it in one word
  • rich kid campfire
  • soft
  • lovely
  • subtle
what's the one thing you couldn't know about this yarn until you knit with it?
  • nice varigation once it is knit up. It looks wooly in the ball, but silky once it is knit
  • I've totally fallen in love and am fantasizing about knitting a sweater with this
  • it knits more nicely than it feels in the ball
  • it has more give than you'd expect

Pink Needles

Name 2nd Time Cotton
Brand Knit One Crochet Too
75% Recycled Cotton,
25% Acrylic
Yardage 180 y | 100 g
Gauge 4.25 stitches per inch
Sugg. Retail Price


Schaefer Heather
overall impression YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
would you buy it? YRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel in the ball? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel knit up? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
is it fairly priced? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how's the stitch definition? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
drapey [1] or stiff [5] ? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
describe it in one word
  • earthy
  • t-shirt
  • splitty
  • moppy
what's the one thing you couldn't know about this yarn until you knit with it?
  • this would be great for making bags from. Nice and strong, but a bit splitty
  • knits up much softer than expected
  • the yarn is splitty
  • it is softer in the hand than other cottons I've tried

Pink Needles

Name Seduce
Brand Berroco
47% Rayon, 25% Linen,
17% Silk, 11% Nylon
Yardage 100 y | 40 g
Gauge 5 stitches per inch
Sugg. Retail Price

$8.50 [solids]
$9.00 [variegated]

Nashua Geologie
overall impression YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
would you buy it? YRstarYRstar
how does it feel in the ball? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel knit up? YRstarYRstarYRstar
is it fairly priced? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how's the stitch definition? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
drapey [1] or stiff [5] ? YRstarYRstarYRstar
describe it in one word
  • slinky
  • shiny
  • luxurious
  • glamorous
what's the one thing you couldn't know about this yarn until you knit with it?
  • very slippery. Something paper-like about it
  • it is very stiff. Would make great fake chainmail
  • very uneven stitches and a little stiff to knit with
  • great for openwork. Knits up nicely. I like the way the light changes as the stitches move

Pink Needles

Name Soxx Appeal
Brand Knit One Crochet Too
96% Superwash Merino,
3% Nylon, 1% Elastic
Yardage 208 y | 50 g
Gauge 8 stitches per inch
Sugg. Retail Price


Nashua Ivy
overall impression YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
would you buy it? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel in the ball? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel knit up? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
is it fairly priced? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how's the stitch definition? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
drapey [1] or stiff [5] ? YRstarYRstarYRstar
describe it in one word
  • sproingy
  • stretchy
  • boing!
  • vibrant
what's the one thing you couldn't know about this yarn until you knit with it?
  • really easy on the fingers because of the stretch
  • very stretchy in all directions
  • it looks nice on larger gauges (knitted on US 6)
  • the plies act really weird as you knit. They come apart and twist around

Pink Needles

Name Studio Silk
Brand Stitch Diva Studios
100% Plied Silk
Yardage 120 y | 50 g
Gauge 5.25 stitches per inch
Sugg. Retail Price


Habu silk mohair
overall impression YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
would you buy it? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel in the ball? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel knit up? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
is it fairly priced? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how's the stitch definition? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
drapey [1] or stiff [5] ? YRstarYRstarYRstar
describe it in one word
  • dreamy
  • sensuous
  • elegant
  • lustrous
what's the one thing you couldn't know about this yarn until you knit with it?
  • so soft so soft. Love!
  • I am not usually a fan of silk but this is everything silk should be
  • very soft to knit; not splitty at all
  • not pilly like many silks

Pink Needles

Name Winter Lace
Brand Mountain Colors
50% Wool, 50% Silk
Yardage 1200 y | 100 g
Gauge 7-8 stitches per inch
Sugg. Retail Price


Drops Kid-Silk
overall impression YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
would you buy it? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel in the ball? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how does it feel knit up? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
is it fairly priced? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
how's the stitch definition? YRstarYRstarYRstarYRstarYRstar
drapey [1] or stiff [5] ? YRstarYRstar
describe it in one word
  • subdued
  • lush
  • ephemeral
  • skinny
what's the one thing you couldn't know about this yarn until you knit with it?
  • varigation is failry subtle, yarn is dramatically softer when knit up
  • the colours flow beautifully
  • the colour transitions are short but soft
  • knits up nice and fuzzy. Subtle varigation

