Chart: The chart for this
pattern fits on 2 letter-sized
pages. Click here and
here and print both pages.
The chart key is above.
for stringing beads: You
don’t have to painstakingly count each bead as you
thread them onto the yarn.
Thread on 20 beads, make sure they are placed tightly together,
then measure to see how much length they cover.
how many beads are needed
to cover an inch of yarn (measure in several places to get
an accurate average measurement).
Determine how many inches
of beads are needed to
achieve the number of beads required; it's easier to measure
the length of yarn covered in beads, than to count out hundreds
of beads!
Example: If 12
beads are needed to cover
1 inch of yarn and 600
beads are required, you
will need to string enough
beads to cover 50 inches
of yarn.
600 beads ÷ 12 beads/inch
= 50 inches

Place Bead: Slide bead up yarn so that it sits directly
next to the right needle, then work the following st as
directed. The bead will remain positioned between the stitches.
When working yarnovers with multiple
beads, the desired
effect is for the beads to float on the yarnovers on each
side of the bug motifs. This is easy to do, and you will
soon get the hang of it.
Working a beaded yarnover: Slide beads up yarn so that
they sit directly next to the right needle. Work the yarn
over, then work the following st as directed. The beads
will remain in place on the yarnover.
Working into the beaded yarnover on the subsequent rows:
Note that in this pattern
there will always be two beaded yarnovers, separated by
one or two stitches.
Work into the right-hand
side of the first beaded
yarnover, keeping the beads
to the back of the left needle. Work the center st(s), then
work into the left-hand side of the second beaded yarnover,
keeping the beads to the front of the left needle. A tutorial
showing this technique can be found here.
Instructions for the Backward Loop
Cast On can be found
Blocking: Information about
blocking lace can be found here and here.