Using long-tail method, CO 66 sts. Place marker and join
to begin working in the round, being careful not to twist
[use the stitch marker which is different from the others].
Set-up Round: K12, place marker, k21, place marker,
k12, place marker, k21.
Round 1: [K2tog, k10, m1, slip marker, (p5, k3) twice,
p5, slip marker] twice.
Round 2: [K12, slip marker,
(p5, k3) twice, p5, slip marker] twice.
Round 3: Work as for Round
Round 4: K all sts.
Round 5: [K2tog, k10, m1,
slip marker, p1, (k3, p5) twice, k3, p1] twice.
Round 6: [K12, slip marker, p1, (k3, p5) twice,
k3, p1] twice.
Round 7: Work as for Round
Round 8: K all sts.
Work Rounds 1-8 twice more, then work Rounds
1-7 once
more. Total of 32 rounds have been worked, including
Set-up Round.
Loosely BO all sts, using a larger needle if necessary
to ensure the BO edge is sufficiently stretchy. |