Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

We look different, eh?
That's cause we are.
This issue is our first ever using a responsive template. That means it automatically resizes to fit everything from cellphones to huge monitors. It's about as fresh from the code monkey as is possible...and we're releasing it in Beta. That means there might be bugs to fix, and things might change in appearance from day to day as we fine tune how the site looks and works. We beg your indulgence during this time. Wanna report a bug? Write to me with the subject heading "BUG REPORT". Thank you!

The back issues in our Library will be getting a facelift as well, though a much more subtle one. We want our whole Library to be updated, and so we'll be continuing to responsive-ize issues until they're all done.
This project has been a huge undertaking in partnership with Philip Chatterton of Marblehead. We're thrilled with the results. (Need something like this done for your website? Drop him a line.)
Meanwhile, I've also had a little work done. It's been a busy season for me, bodily maintenance-wise, and that's why this issue has come out a little later than it usually would have. If you're the type that likes the details, I wrote about it here.
Oh, yeah...knitting patterns! We have some doozies this time! The sweaters are absolutely juicy and ripe this time of year. As we always do, there are some gorgeous projects to knit ahead for the Holiday season at the end of the year, in case you like to get a head start.
Check out the columns this issue: a whole new take on Judy's Magic Cast on...for Tubular Cast on? Wot?? Weaving with Linen (one of my favorite fibers!) And a pretty cowly/scarfy delight that blends knitting and crochet in bands.
As always, a mega-thanks to our Knitty Patrons (there are 3200 of you as I write this!) and our Knitty Advertisers. Without both of these groups, Knitty would not exist. (PS Patrons, we know the listing needs updating. Patreon has changed things on their end, so we need to change the way we get your names out of their website and onto ours, which we will be doing as soon as possible!)
Keep in touch with us!
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

Bring on the shovel!
I’ve had it with my stash. It is everywhere and I really have no idea what I have. To make things more complex, I have my personal spinning stash and my teaching fiber stash mixed together.
This summer I am not doing Tour de Fleece, I am doing Tour de Dumpster. No, I won’t be throwing fiber away, unless I find mildew or moths, but I am determined to get a handle on my stash. My fiber stash, not yarn or books yet. I am not insane.
I even have a plan of sorts. I will do stash work in the afternoon when it is hot. The majority of my stash is in the basement where it is very cool. I will start sorting with dessert, all of the fibers I enjoy spinning. That pile will be fiber I have plans for, dyers and colorways that I love especially. Next, I’ll make a keep for teaching pile, then personal piles of maybe, fix me or get rid of me. It won’t be a quick process, but I will be happy when I’m done.
My treat after that will be to make something smallish from fiber to knitting maybe a shawl or maybe the Wristicuffs mitts by Charlotte Marjoribanks that are in this issue.
What are your summer fiber plans? Tell us on our Facebook page!

If you have an idea for a project or article for knittyspin write me. Knittyspin submission guidelines are here.
If you have fiber, spindles, books, or other spinny products or tools that you'd like us to review, you'll find information how how to get your products in to the hands of our reviewers here. I love to talk about it all.
[editor, Knittyspin]