Stitch Bead [Make one each in A, B,
C and D]:
CO 12 sts.
K 1 row.
Next Row: BO 1, k to last st, kfb.
Repeat this row until work measures 2.75
BO all sts. Break floss, leaving a long
(10-12 inch) tail for seaming.
Stockinette St Bead
[Make one each in A, C and D]:
CO 13 sts.
K 1 row.
Row 1: BO 1, p to last st, kfb.
Row 2: BO 1, k to last st, kfb.
Repeat these 2 rows until work measures
3 inches.
BO all sts. Break floss, leaving a long
(10-12 inch) tail for seaming.