MC and smaller circular needle, CO 106[112]
sts using Long Tail Cast On method. Place
marker (use marker which is different from
other markers) and join to begin working in
the round, being careful not to twist.
K 4 rounds.
P 1 round.
Increase Round: [K4[3], kfb] 20[28]
times, k6[0]. 126[140] sts.
Using larger needle, k 2[4] rounds.
Hat will be worked with larger needle from
this point.
Chart Round 1: Join CC, [work 14 sts of
Chart, place marker] 8[9] times, work 14 sts
of Chart once more.
The markers will help you keep track of
the charted pattern repeats.
Work Rounds 2-16 of Chart.
*Work Rounds 1-8 of Chart once more.
[For longer version, work Rounds 1-16 of
Chart once more.]
Break CC.
Shape Crown:
Note: Change to double-point needles when
Pull yarn tightly after working each decrease.
Round 1: [K12, k2tog] to end. 117[130]
Even-numbered Rounds 2-20: K all sts.
Round 3: [K11, k2tog] to end. 108[120]
Round 5: [K10, k2tog] to end. 99[110]
Round 7: [K9, k2tog] to end. 90[100]
Round 9: [K8, k2tog] to end. 81[90] sts.
Round 11: [K7, k2tog] to end. 72[80]
Round 13: [K6, k2tog] to end. 63[70]
Round 15: [K5, k2tog] to end. 54[60]
Round 17: [K4, k2tog] to end. 45[50]
Round 19: [K3, k2tog] to end. 36[40]
Round 21: [K2, k2tog] to end. 27[30]
Round 22: [K1, k2tog] to end. 18[20]
Round 23: [K2tog] to end, removing markers.
9[10] sts.
Break yarn, leaving an 8-inch tail. Draw tail
through remaining sts and pull tight.
Sew in end. (Tip: If any small gaps remain
from rapid decreasing of last few rounds,
use this end to sew these gaps closed.)