Using circular needle and MC,
loosely CO 46[54, 62] sts.
Work 2 rows in 2x2 Rib.
Work Intarsia Section for Mouth:
Note: As written, one MC section of the
intarsia portion is worked using the end from
the outside of the ball of yarn, and the other
MC section is worked using the end from the
inside. If you do not wish to work this way,
prepare a separate bobbin of MC before beginning
this section.
Row 1 [RS]: Work 14[18, 20] sts in patt
as set, k18[18, 22], work to end in patt as set.
Row 2 [WS]: Work 17[20, 23] sts in patt
as set using MC, p12[14, 16] using CC1, work in
MC to end, using other end of ball of yarn.
Row 3 [RS]: Work 16[19, 22] sts in
patt as set using MC, k14[16, 18] using CC1,
work in MC to end.
Row 4 [WS]: Work 16[19, 22] sts in patt
as set using MC, p14[16, 18] using CC1, work
in MC to end.
Repeat Rows 3-4 once.
Repeat Row 3 once more, then repeat Row
2 once. Break CC1.
Repeat Row 1.
Next Row [WS]: Work all sts in 2x2 Rib.
Do not turn work.
Place marker and join to begin working in the
round. The WS of the brim will be showing as you
work; when the hat is completed, the brim will be
turned up so the RS shows.
Work 9 rounds in 2x2 Rib as set. (There will be
4 purl sts together at the back of the hat; this
will be hidden when the brim is turned up.
Next Round: [K10[8, 14], kfb] 4[6, 4] times,
k2[0, 2]. 50[60, 66] sts.
Work 2.5[3.25, 3.25] inches in stockinette st.
Shape Crown
Size L Only:
Next Round: [K9, k2tog] 6 times. 60 sts.
All Sizes:
Work Rounds 1-9 as follows, changing colors
as indicated for your size:
Round 1: [K8, k2tog] 5[6, 6] times.
Round 2: [K7, k2tog] 5[6, 6] times.
Size L Only:
Break MC; continue using CC2 only.
Round 3: [K6, k2tog] 5[6, 6] times.
Sizes S and M Only:
Break MC; continue using CC2 only.
Round 4: [K5, k2tog] 5[6, 6] times.
Round 5: [K4, k2tog] 5[6, 6] times.
Round 6: [K3, k2tog] 5[6, 6] times.
Round 7: [K2, k2tog] 5[6, 6] times.
Round 8: [K1, k2tog] 5[6, 6] times.
Round 9: [K2tog] 5[6, 6] times.
Break yarn, draw through rem 5[6, 6]sts
and pull tight.