Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

I like seasons.
As happy as I was that winter was coming last issue, I'm thrilled that it's almost over. Or maybe not – Toronto has a habit of throwing a snowstorm fit around the end of April every year. But maybe this year will be different.
In any case, YAY, because it's time to create some lighter knits, layers and accessories for the warmer weather that is on its way.
I think it might be time to finish the summerweight sweater I started last year. I actually finished it, but the body is a bit too short for me. No matter. Just rip back a few inches past the hem, and lengthen, right? I was smart and bought more than enough of the yarn to accomplish the look I want.
And then...what shall I cast on next? Well, there are lots of choices in this issue, and tons more in our Library!
This issue marks the halfway point of our 15th Anniversary year of celebration! We pay tribute to several historical Knitty patterns this time: Clapotis (see Clafoutis) and Made in the USA (see Escape Reality).
And for the first time ever, we have a three-woman Knitty staff collaboration on a pattern – our cover cowl, Collab, which features a most amazing maple-leaf lace pattern. Fiber/yarn by PorpoiseFur (tech editor Rachel Brown), pattern by (tech editor) Ashley Knowlton and (managing tech editor) Kate Atherley. Jillian and I had a little input, too. And I got to shoot the cover photo. You like? We love.
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

Support for spindling (hehe)
Spring is always exciting to me because it inspires me to try new things. Spring is full of all kinds of new for the fiber world. My Instagram feed is full of new lambs, shepherds are shearing so we can have new fleeces and it’s the beginning of the fiber show and teaching seasons.
I always like to try a little something new in the spring to help shake off the winter blahs. In this issues’s Knittyspin column I add a little flax and ramie to my spinning as part of a blend. I never thought I’d be much interested in adding those fibers to wool, but I was so happily surprised.
The other thing I’m going to try this spring is spinning with a support spindle. I’ve just ordered my first and I’m going to spin some fine yarns (threads) to stitch samplers with. I’ve never tried a support spindle and I am looking forward to having something new to learn. I think it will help me practice patience with myself. It will let me remember what it’s like to be a beginner, and help me be a better teacher.
I have a giant teaching schedule this year. I’m teaching all over the United States at more than a dozen venues. If you see me, tell me what you are doing that’s new this year, and give me all of your support spindling tips!
If you have an idea for a project or article for knittyspin write me. Knittyspin submission guidelines are here.
If you have fiber, spindles, books, or other spinny products or tools that you'd like us to review, you'll find information how how to get your products in to the hands of our reviewers here. I love to talk about it all.
Happy Spinning!
[editor, Knittyspin]