Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

It's always about the multitasking
My head is spinning. You?
So let's talk about knitting, shall we? I'm ecstatic to be back knitting actively, having had both my carpal-tunnelly hands fixed last year. So much joy in not feeling numb all the time. Now it's just about building up the muscles that used to be very strong. However, I'm grateful that muscle memory is still intact!

When it comes to Spring+Summer at Knitty, we try to give you lightweight things to knit (so your lap doesn't get sweaty) and wear (you know what that's about). I think we've got a great assortment for you this year. Which one are you going to knit first?
This issue, we say farewell to Plays Well Together, our combo crochet/knit column that broke the tradition of no crochet in Knitty. Our duo of columnists, Mim Felton and Amy O'Neill Houck have changing schedules, as do we all, and unfortunately that has left less time for them to contribute regularly. Crochet will continue in Knitty, though...because Amy O-H has agreed to design crochet patterns specifically meant for knitters to understand and enjoy in future issues. Yay! I've also got ideas about how I want crochet to be represented in Knitty, so you can expect more multi-craftualism in future issues.
We continue to thank our Patrons who carry 2/3 of the financial load of supporting Knitty. As a result of this support, not only are we still here (we would not be here otherwise), but this issue, we were able to lower advertising rates for the first time ever. We want advertising in Knitty to be as affordable as possible so all sizes of businesses can share their wares and services with our Readers. Ads now start as low as $60 per issue! That's just crazypants. To learn more about advertising with Knitty, pop over to our Rate Card.
If you're not already a Patron, please consider joining us. We won't survive without ongoing support from our readers, and lots of little donations make such a huge difference in keeping us here! Life happens and Patrons come and go according to their own personal situations. So if you haven't joined us yet, we'd love to welcome you. This system only works if the number of Patrons stays reasonably consistent.
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

The world still seems a little off kilter right now. It doesn’t matter who you voted for in the election – things are just not right. There’s a lot of anger and a lot of waiting to see what will happen.
I feel it. I’m worried what will happen to a lot of the people I love. I’m working for outcomes I want, but I still feel edgy and troubled. I am finding solace in my spinning, and spinning people.
My wheels and my fiber are getting a lot of use; I am spinning more than ever before. Even more important to me are the spinning people. The students in my classes, the other spinners and fiber people I meet when I’m traveling or here in town. I find myself reaching out more online and in person. The connections seem deeper more significant, the yarn and the art we make more vital to who we are as a community. I am really enjoying it and I really need it in my life right now, and I’m hearing the same from many other spinners.
Thank you all for being a part of that!
I hope the change of season helps people get out even more. I know I’ll be taking my wheels outside and spending time with other spinners because it makes everything feel a little better.

If you have an idea for a project or article for knittyspin write me. Knittyspin submission guidelines are here.
If you have fiber, spindles, books, or other spinny products or tools that you'd like us to review, you'll find information how how to get your products in to the hands of our reviewers here. I love to talk about it all.
[editor, Knittyspin]