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© Knitty 2002-2008. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. This means you.spacer

Spacer Cool stuff!
[in which we don't even have enough words to describe the overabundance of awesome stuff that we wrote words about for this issue, which is rather odd, don't you think?]

Spacer Mindful Knitting
[in which Tara asks us to lend an our knitting]

Spacer Stitches in Time
[in which a wee orange and a tiny jug are made knittable]

Spacer Techniques with Theresa
[in which Theresa becomes a hooker and says we should, too]

Spacer Thinking Beyond the Pattern
[will return in spring]

Spacer Knitty's Yarn Roundtable™
[in which real knitters get their hands on yarn and tell us what they think of it]

Featured Articles

Spacer To Graft or Not to Graft
[in which the question is not answered in the obvious way, and it's okay, really]

Spacer Texturize Your Knitting
[in which texture + color = something unexpected and beautiful]
Chrissy Gardiner


Knitty Spin
Spacer Cool spinning stuff
[in which the abundance of the holiday season finds its way into our review section]

Spacer Fiber fiesta!
[in which spinners of all levels of experience get their hands on fiber, spin and knit it and tell you what the stuff is like]

Spacer Knittyspin, the column
[will return in spring]

Spacer Dye Another Day
[in which we learn how to dye roving without turning our kitchen into a toxic waste zone]

Spacer Interview: Amy Clarke Moore, editor of Spin-Off
[in which one spinning editor asks another all sorts of good stuff on our behalf]

Spacer Locked Up
[in which washing your own fine-wool locks is made easy as pie]

Spacer Spinning with a Notchless Spindle
[in which notchless spindles become much more user friendly]

Spacer Pattern: Esteem
[in which Briar Rose fiber is transformed into something a Dashwood might wear]

Spacer Pattern: Rusty Nail shawl
[in which the fiber speaks to the designer and tells her what it wants to be]
Charlene Schurch

Spacer Pattern: Blackrose socks
[in which symmetry is overrated]


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