- First Fall 2024


Crochet Columnist wanted @ Knitty Magazine

Crochet Columnist wanted @ Knitty Magazine

UPDATE: June 15, 2024

Knitty is working towards getting more crochet content in its digital magazine, and it's time we had a Crochet Columnist again.

Knitty magazine ( has been publishing free knitting patterns since 2002 and crochet patterns for the last few years. We have 120k+ likes on Facebook and almost 30k likes on Instagram. Our approach to knitting has always been fun and interesting patterns with some sort of twist, and we want the same for our crochet patterns and features.

The position: The successful candidate will write and provide accompanying images for a column every three months. Our publication schedule can be found here, and the deadlines for designs are the same as they will be for the Crochet column's materials. The column should focus on an aspect of crochet not currently covered in past columns or features on the subject in Knitty. Keeping in mind that our audience is predominantly made up (currently) of knitters, helping them transition into crochet and getting them excited about what crochet can do that knitting can't do (or can't do as well) is one of the main aims of this column. The other is to show off a more modern approach to crochet in whatever form you find exciting and inspirational. Tutorials could be in photos, videos or a combination of both. The column could include a crochet pattern or element that you would add to a bigger project. We will provide tech editing for patterns. Franklin Habit's column included both a pattern and an introduction that talked about the details of the pattern that he found interesting, and is a good format to look at for inspiration. We also had a knitting/crochet column called Plays Well Together that covered this subject with a heavier bias towards knitters, and provided some really cute patterns like Swink! that are just what we're looking for.

Here are two long-running Knitty columns that did a great job mixing instruction and prose with either a pattern or pattern element:
Stitches in Time by Franklin Habit
Plays Well Together by Amy O'Neill Houck + Miriam Felton

The successful Candidate will need familiarity with graphic design and Dropbox, a good understanding of knitting, excellent photography and/or videography skills, and superior knowledge of crochet techniques and crochet design.

To apply, provide a PDF containing text and images that outline what you would create for your first two columns. Include a paragraph about your background and why you are the right person to help promote crochet to Knitty's audience and help bring more crocheters to our pages. Email your PDF to knittyjobs AT gmail DOT com no later than June 1, 2024. Knitty will not use images, ideas or text provided by candidates not selected for the position – your work will remain YOUR work.

Applications that do not contain the requested items will not get a response. Others will be contacted by email no later than June 15th, 2024 June 30, 2024 (We had a large number of submissions come in and this will require more time for me to sort through. Thank you for your patience!).

The successful candidate will be credited on Knitty Magazine's masthead under the Columnists heading. Payment is $300USD per column, and the copyright to your work always remains with you. We ask for 3 months exclusivity for initial publication, and the column will remain in Knitty's Library permanently.

Thanks to everyone for considering this posting, and best of luck to the applicants!