Cool stuff! [in which we have books to read, bags to carry them in and much more] Jillian Moreno, Amy R Singer, Kate Atherley
Contests [in which we give stuff away!]
Five easy steps to great-fitting knits [in which a little calculator can be a great thing] Stefanie Japel
Ethnic Knitting Adventures [in which Donna takes us to Lithuania to keep our wrists warm] Donna Druchunas
Stitches in Time [in which Franklin starts building history block by block] Franklin Habit
Techniques with Theresa [in which our beloved Theresa comes home again, and picks up where she left off] Theresa Vinson Stenersen
Knitty's Yarn Roundtable™ [in which real knitters like you get their hands on yarn and tell us what they think of it] Knitters like you
Fiber fiesta! [in which spinners of all levels of experience get their hands on fiber, spin and knit it and tell you what they think of it] Spinners like you
Spinner's Glossary [in which we finish our yarn] Lee Juvan
Spin your own fair isle kit [in which the title says it all, really] Sarah Mombert
Pattern: Ogiku [in which the fair isle kit you've spun turns into a beautiful tam] Sarah Mombert
Pattern: Glomerata [in which socks glow with the colors of flowers] Lisa Grossman
Pattern: Semi-Precious [in which we discover a 400-yard lace shawl worthy of the pretties you've been hoarding] Joyce Fassbender