Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

My knitting mojo came back.
17 years of increasing pain and limited function ended when I had surgery in 2016, but the knitting mojo didn't return until my sweetheart and I were on vacation in the woods this summer. Quiet nights in front of Netflix got me itching to work on a blanket I'd started. Instead of trying to hone the Continental knitting style I'd been trying to master since my hands started to hurt, I reverted back to my good old flicking English style. Suddenly, knitting felt like breathing deeply for the first time in years. And then I couldn't stop.
The danged blanket turned out huge -- it covers the top of my Queen-sized bed. And it's 100% garter stitch. I don't apologize for loving nothing but the knit stitch, row by row, right now. It's making me very happy.
This issue is full of sweater weather goodness, from the tip of your toes to the top of your lovely head. You'll find it all here. We hope there's something that gets your needles revved up and back in gear, if you've been on a bit of a break. From Donna Druchunas' wearable tribute to Anthony Bourdain, to the most bootylicious skirt we've ever published, to a vicious (soft and fuzzy) shark, you can see how we like to mix it up.
And if you've ever had a challenging time with short rows, Kate Atherley has you covered with this issue's Wiseknit video column: she demos and demystifies four different options.
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

Inspired by Fall
What’s on your list for this fall? What is exciting and inspiring you? Are you knitting? Are you spinning? Are you weaving? Stitching? Sewing? Something else?
I love how fiber folk have all branched out into a variety of craft skills, and the fall seems the perfect time to hone or start a new craft.
I’m excited about learning to weave, just easy things like scarves. I’m still stitching, and of course knitting and spinning. It really helps me when I start a new yarn craft that I know how to spin and know a whole lot about how yarn is constructed. For me it becomes a short cut: “If you really want that woven fabric to have stiffness, don’t use that superwash Merino” type of shortcut. It’s the best.
As I learn more skills in different crafts, I have more questions about how yarn behaves and sure enough I’m back to my wheel, spinning up an answer (or just more questions).
You can see my latest dabbling in this issue’s Knittyspin column where I explore how the amount of ply twist affects woven fabric (and knitting too). As I travel around teaching, I get excited and inspired by what other fiber people are doing and just looking at new things. One trip can spawn 30 new ideas and the desire to learn 5 crafts (broom making anyone? It’s so cool!).
Benjamin Krudwig was inspired by historical architecture on a recent trip to Europe for his thick-and-thin spun and knitted cozy shawl, European Dreams.
What’s inspiring you this fall – new crafts or new places?
If you have an idea for a project or article for knittyspin write me. Knittyspin submission guidelines are here.
If you have fiber, spindles, books, or other spinny products or tools that you'd like us to review, you'll find information how how to get your products in to the hands of our reviewers here. I love to talk about it all.
Happy Spinning!
[editor, Knittyspin]