Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

Sometimes all we have is what's between our hands
It's often the faces of my loved ones (my partner, my sweet dog, my lovely bunny), but it's also the place where the making resides.
Since I last wrote a Knitty editorial, I've often found yarn and needles, embroidery thread and canvas, and spinning fiber between my hands. They have given me comfort, and most often, an outlet for the above-normal amount of nervous energy generated by the world we are currently inhabiting. It's a luxury to be able to turn to the making to help generate calm; so many don't have that luxury.
Here's what I think: I think we're all doing the best we can. We're crap at it some days, and other days we do a little better. Some days we even surprise ourselves. Remembering we have the power to take up something between our hands that can do more than just result in a finished object. The making can make things better, even if it's only things that live in our own heads. Just remember that you have self-care resources to reach for, and you're allowed to call on them. If they end up turning into a sock, a tray of cookies, or a sweet kiss on someone's forehead, that's a pretty good finished object.
Spring+Summer '22 is not the biggest issue we've ever published, but it's got great stuff in it, with a few more bonus goodies arriving in the Surprise (around mid-April). You'll find it all here.
I'm super busy planning the rest of this year. 2022 is our 20th Anniversary! We're (knock wood, if the pandemic situation holds steady or improves) attending the h+h americas Trade Show (the would-be successor to our old TNNA Trade Show) in Chicago this June, and we're even going to have a booth! If you are going to be there, please plan to stop by booth 823 and say hi!
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

This spring, despite of everything that is raging around the world in politics and the not-quite-over health crises, I have hope. Partially because I have made the choice to be hopeful. I reached a point where I could tumble or I could step into the light. I am stepping into the light, cautiously. I am staying informed, contributing to the causes that are important to me, and trying my best not to get sucked into doom scrolling.
One way that I’m moving forward in my fiber practice is with fleece. To me, there is something hopeful about working with raw fiber.
Part of it is the natural cycle. There are new fleeces every year, no matter what. Our sheep are always growing fiber for us to enjoy. Part of it is the curiosity and knowledge – there is always something to learn, and infinite ways to prep and spin a fleece. Make a yarn you don’t like? There is always another fleece and 20 more ways to try to spin it.
I can’t wait to stand in the fleece barn at Maryland Sheep and Wool with all of the other hopeful spinners.
Spinning in general gives me hope. It’s useful, it’s beautiful and it’s soothing. I love our ability to play with new fibers and structures.
My Knittyspin column this issue is all about playing and plying, thread plying. It’s fun, it’s easy and it’s like coloring with every crayon in the box. I hope you find joy (and hope) in the technique.
Happy spinning!
[editor, Knittyspin]