Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

Where is the snow?
Oh, we do love winter at Knitty. We love the whole idea of being chilly and letting our knitwear do its job: keeping us warm and cozy and showing those we love a tangible example that we care for them, too.

This issue, Winter 2016, is full joy and not a little whimsy. Having a pair of mushroom-embellished pantaloons now seems like not just an attainable goal, but a desirable one, too! And we hope to see many variations on the Toilet Paper Toilet Paper Cozy, the most ridiculously wonderful self-referential pattern of its kind we've ever seen. Or perhaps you'd rather be a Crockerdile (sic)?
If you're not into knitting for amusement, there is a lot for you, too. Everything from cardigans to pullovers, shawls, hats and even a baby blanket with a fun new technique that hides your ends!
Our Patrons now carry 2/3 of the financial load of supporting Knitty, and we are so grateful for their support. Our wonderful Advertisers do the rest of the heavy lifting, and as they have some pretty fabulous wares to offer, we hope you'll take a look at their websites as well.
If you're not already a Patron, please consider joining us. Did you know: Knitty Patrons at the Tangy level and up get access to every new issue 24 hours ahead of the everyone else.
We're just announcing the 2016-17 rewards, and you won't want to miss out! But it's also true that we won't survive without ongoing support from our readers, and lots of little donations make such a huge difference in keeping us here!Keep in touch with us!
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

Hunker time
In winter, I hunker down. I binge TV shows and bury myself in wool. I spend lots of time spinning and making things with my handspun. Something I don’t do that I want to change this winter is spin and knit with my people. I become a bit of a hermit in the winter and then wonder why I feel disconnected.
This winter I’m going to change that. Especially after the US election, I want to feel like I belong, to spend time with like-minded people. I’m going to make an effort to have my spinners over and to go out to the knit nights at my LYS, to connect and keep making.
Right now, I’m exploring what to do next. Since I’ve published my book Yarnitecture, I don’t have a big project in mind. I’m playing a little, talking to people rolling ideas around and spinning spinning ,spinning.
My Knittyspin column in this issue is one of those explorations. I’m carding to blend colors. I want to get a better feel of how colors work together (or don’t) when I blend for a new color or just choose colors to work together in a project.
May your winter be cozy and connected! Share your stories with us on our Facebook page!

If you have an idea for a project or article for knittyspin write me. Knittyspin submission guidelines are here.
If you have fiber, spindles, books, or other spinny products or tools that you'd like us to review, you'll find information how how to get your products in to the hands of our reviewers here. I love to talk about it all.
[editor, Knittyspin]