Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

A little light
It's been a long, dark winter so far, and it's barely even begun. But some joyously good things have happened in my part of the world in the last few days that are giving me hope. And the days are getting longer once again. More light is something I treasure, even more this year than usual.
As we start to approach the previously unthinkable milestone of a year of living through a pandemic, let's celebrate what we still have. We have ourselves, and (hopefully) our loved ones, even if we're not able to be physically close to them right now. We have our creative pursuits. And we have this place we call home, the ridiculousness which is the internet. Can you imagine the last year without this communication device? How much harder would it have been for those in the era of the Spanish Flu? As scary and upsetting as the pandemic has been and continues to be, we have each other, and we have ways to communicate, educate, entertain, and distract ourselves if we need it. I'm very grateful for that. I've spent more time hanging out online with my sister in the last 12 months than in the last few years combined.
So we offer up a fresh assortment of things you might like to knit in this cold, winter season. You'll find them here. And to keep your head warm, sit down with our Kate Atherley and learn how to make your hats fit well and last long!
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

What Can Your Spinning Give You?
We can get lots of things from our spinning: yarn for projects, meditation, a little relaxation, a reason to buy fiber, preparing fiber, planning spins, connection to other spinners and makers.
This winter would be a great time, since we are still apart and many of us spending most of our time inside, to think about what it is you want from your spinning the next few months. It doesn’t have to be an answer you have to live with forever, just what aspect of spinning is bringing you joy right now. Is it spinning just to spin? Shopping for fiber? Detailed planning for projects? Learning new structures or skills?
Run with it. Some might call it selfish spinning; I call it wise and caring. We have been subject to unprecedented stress for almost a year and every single spinner (every person, really) I know is feeling really worn down.
Give yourself this gift. Only do the spinning or the parts of spinning you like. Try it for a month, and keep going if you feel enriched by it.
I have to spin a lot for my work (and I am so grateful to have my spinning jobs), but I have finally found my groove for nourishing personal spinning, and I am digging in deeply. For me there are two things. Buying fiber, because I do love to shop for fiber, and I want to support the fiber dyers I admire. The second is spinning a thicker than my usual default yarn, in interesting blends, woolen spun, and seeing what happens. I recently spun a BFL/camel blend to a chunky weight, with a woolen draft, and I smiled the entire time at my lumpy, inconsistent yarn.
My Knittyspin column this issue is all about your default yarn, your everyday spin, the yarn that feels like home when you spin it. This yarn is the most important yarn you spin, and knowing everything about it is critical to spinning different types of yarns and growing as a spinner.
I hope you find some peace and joy in your spinning this winter and this whole year.
[editor, Knittyspin]