Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

How to get your knitting mojo back
I won't promise it will work for you, but it worked for me.
This issue, it turns out that we needed a scarf pattern to publish. Winter and scarves...they make sense together. But since we didn't have anything suitable come in this time, I decided I would design one, knit the sample and photograph it. I normally don't design well under pressure, but for some reason, the combination of the design elements, the stitches used and especially the yarn I chose got me 100% in gear. I loved knitting this sample so much that I was sad when it was done. And now I want to knit all the time. You'll see my new pattern in our Surprise, sometime in mid-January.
Until then, I don't think you will be without inspiration, because this issue is, if I may say so, a beaut. So much yummy texture and lush knitted fabric. And finally, a dog sweater! You'll find it all here.
2021 is nearly over, and it's not the respite from the scariness of 2020 we hoped it would be. But 2021 did bring vaccines, and encouraging medical developments that mean life may, one day, return to something somewhat less dystopian. So we take comfort in what we can.
Once again, I'm finding my knitting a comfort, and that's not something I take for granted, having lost it for a good while. I hope you have had a better 2021 than your 2020, and that 2022 brings more good news for us all. In fact, 2022 is our 20th Anniversary! I'm working on some fun surprises as we start to celebrate, beginning with next year's Deep Fall issue. It's a wonderful thing to have something so happy to look forward to.
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

I always like to take a little time to reflect on the year that’s ending sometime in December. It’s been another year that went not exactly as we all had planned, but still so much good came out of it.
The things that I am particularly grateful for are how many people came or came back to crafting during the pandemic. Fiber crafts is equally soothing, mentally challenging, and has the capacity to give you a wonderful community of friends.
I am thankful that I could contribute to many spinners’ year by teaching classes online and writing spinning articles.
I hope you found comfort and contentment in your spinning and other crafts this past year.
I hope that our world opens up a little more next year. I’m hoping for half live classes and half online classes. I’d like to meet more of my online students in person.
I’m not a big goal setter, but next year I’d like to make more things with my handspun, and just spend more time making for pleasure in general.
For me, 2020 and 2021 were mostly about helping spinners play and learn, so I made a lot of swatches and samples and not much else. I did buy a lot of fiber; now I want to spin it.
This issue’s Knittyspin is all about a really easy way to add color to your yarn. It’s a little more than speckles, but much less than stripes – it’s intermittent color. It’s quick, can transform plain (maybe dull) solid colors, and will help you spin down your stash.
Happy spinning!
[editor, Knittyspin]