Levels of Difficulty : Knitty.com - First Fall 2020


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Levels Of Difficulty

Levels Of Difficulty

Spacer Suitable for beginners.
Spacer Relaxing, not mentally taxing.

Spacer Fun things with zing. A twist, even.
Spacer Friendly + unintimidating: very knittable by most knitters.

Spacer Something for the seasoned knitter.
Spacer Daring but not exhausting.
Spacer Probably not tv knitting.

Spacer For those with a lot of experience. Or patience. Or both.
Spacer These babies have teeth. Hoo boy.

Abbreviations + Techniques


Abbreviations + Techniques

The Knitty Standard Book of British Birds

[the key to our abbreviations & techniques]

alt alternate
approx approximately
beading Information about beading can be found here
beg begin[ning]
blocking Information about blocking can be found here and here.
BO bind off [cast off]
cab cable
CC contrasting color
cdd centered double decrease; see S2KPO
ch chain
ch-sp chain space
cl cluster
cn cable needle
CO cast on
colorwork Information about colorwork can be found here
cont continue[ing]
dc double crochet
dec decrease[ing]
dpn double pointed needles[s]
est established
foll follow[s][ing]
g grams
grafting Information about grafting can be found here
i-cord Using a double-point needle, CO sts as directed.
Next Row: Instead of turning work around to work back on the WS, slide all sts to other end of needle, switch needle back to your left hand, bring yarn around back of work, and start knitting the sts again. I-Cord is worked with the RS facing at all times.
Repeat this row to form I-cord. After a few rows, work will begin to form a tube.
inc increase[ing]
incl including
inst instructions
in the round use traditional or flexible DPNs, 1 long circular for magic loop, or 2 shorter circulars if circumference permits
Jeny's Suprisingly Stretchy Bind Off Information about Jeny's Suprisingly Stretchy Bind Off can be found here
Judy's Magic Cast On Information about Judy's Magic Cast On can be found here
k knit
k tbl knit through back of loop
k2tog knit two together
kfb knit into front and back of stitch
Kitchener Stitch Information about the Kitchener Stitch can be found here
LLI [Left Lifted Increase] With left needle lift the stitch below the stitch just worked, and knit it. 1 stitch increased.
m marker
MB make bobble
MC main color
m1 Make 1 stitch: Insert left needle, from front to back, under strand of yarn which runs between last stitch on left needle and first stitch on right needle; knit this stitch through back loop.
1 stitch increased.
M1L [Make 1 Left] Insert left needle, from front to back, under strand of yarn which runs between next stitch on left needle and last stitch on right needle; knit this stitch through back loop. 1 stitch increased
M1P Make 1 purlwise.
M1R [Make 1 Right] Insert left needle, from back to front, under strand of yarn which runs between next stitch on left needle and last stitch on right needle; knit this stitch through front loop. 1 stitch increased.
mm millimeters
mult multiple
opp opposite
oz ounces
p purl
p2tog purl two together
patt[s] pattern[s]
pfb purl into front and back of stitch
pm place marker
psso pass slipped stitch[es] over
rem remaining
rep repeat
rev St st reverse stockinette stitch
RLI [Right Lifted Increase] With right needle lift the stitch below the next stitch, and knit it. 1 stitch increased.
RS right side[s]
rnd[s] round[s]
S2KPO slip 2 sts together as if to knit, knit next, pass 2 slipped sts over
sc single crochet
SKP slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 stitch, pass slipped stitch over
SK2P slip 1 stitch, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over
short circumference in the round use traditional or flexible DPNs, 1 long circular for magic loop, or 2 shorter circulars
SSK slip the next 2 stitches, 1 by 1, knitwise; insert the tip of the left needle from left to right into the fronts of those 2 sts and knit them tog. 1 st decreased.
SSP slip the next 2 stitches as if to knit; return these stitches back to the left needle, then purl those 2 sts together through the back loop
sl slip
slp slip one as if to purl
sl st slip stitch
sp space
st[s] stitch[es]
St st stockinette stitch
tbl through back of loop[s]
Three-Needle Bind Off Hold both pieces of knitting with right sides together.
Insert needle into first st on front needle and first st on back needle, and knit them together. *Repeat this for the next st on the front and back needles. Draw the first st worked over the second st.*
Repeat from * to * until all sts have been bound off.
tog together
WS wrong side[s]
w&t Wrap & Turn [used when working short rows]

To wrap and turn on a RS row, knit to point specified in pattern, bring yarn to front of work between needles, slip next stitch to right-hand needle, bring yarn around this stitch to back of work, slip stitch back to left-hand needle, turn work to begin purling back in the other direction.

To wrap and turn on a WS row, purl to point specified in pattern, bring yarn to back of work between needles, slip next stitch to right-hand needle, bring yarn around this stitch to front of work, slip stitch back to left-hand needle, turn work to begin knitting back in the other direction.

Working Wraps Together with Wrapped Stitches:
When working rows which follow short rows, work the "wraps" at the turning points of the short rows, together with the stitches they wrap, as follows:

When working a RS row: Knit to wrapped stitch. Slip next stitch from left needle to right needle, use tip of left needle to pick up "wrap" and place it on right needle, insert left needle into both wrap and stitch, and knit them together.

When working a WS row: Purl to wrapped stitch. Slip next stitch from left needle to right needle, use tip of left needle to pick up "wrap" and place it on right needle, slip both wrap and stitch back to left needle, purl together through back loops.

working in the round use traditional or flexible DPNs, 1 long circular for magic loop, or 2 shorter circulars if circumference permits
Wyif/b with yarn in front/back
YO yarn over
* * repeat directions between ** as many times as indicated