Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

Patience vs Endurance
As I write this, my left arm hurts when I lift it, because a lovely RN stuck a needle full of the Pfizer covid vaccine in my arm yesterday. I have never been so happy to be almost 60 and therefore eligible for the shot now, instead of later.
When this all started a year ago, we thought maybe it'd be over soon, and then we were sure it would go on for a long while. We didn't know how long, and now, we've got a better idea. A good part of 2021 is likely to require some flavor of continued staying at home and avoiding other people. Where I live, we're in a lockdown right now, with a bonus stay-at-home order. But we can see that, by this time next year, we should have a more going-out-seeing-people kind of life again. We deeply envy New Zealand, where they got it right the first time and banished Covid from their country. Kudos, New Zealand!
So the rest of us have to keep on keeping on with this endless endlessness of isolation and worry. And it's hard. Don't they say knitters must be very patient people to be able to create garments one stitch at a time? We know the truth, though. We're not patient. Knitting helps us be patient. I'm grateful that at least we have this, our knitting. We can make things that keep our hands, and maybe even our minds, busy, while we wait for our new post-Covid lives to begin.
As always, it's Knitty's job to provide you with inspiration and lots of things to knit. This issue, we're focusing on the warmer weather that's already here in many parts of North America. We hope you'll find something you want to cast on here.
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

Cautiously hopeful
Spring has sprung where I live, and I’m cautiously hopeful. I’m hopeful because of sunshine, flowers, and the increase in vaccinations across the US. Everyone is in a lighter mood because they are able to spend more time outside. I am still cautious, where I live Corona cases are on the rise again. I am being careful and it’s really hard after more than a year.
What’s getting me through is any aspect of making things, teaching online, working on projects, writing articles, even just buying supplies. It fills my cup and I thank you all for being part of it.
There are two things I don’t want to leave behind as I move forward into this new year. I want to keep moving at a slower pace when I can. I have pruned a lot of excess busyness from my life, and said no to things that I don’t feel really excited about, and I feel better in so many ways for it.
I want to keep meeting with and teaching people online. I like that it is accessible and affordable for students. I really like the relaxed atmosphere of seeing everyone spinning in their homes, it is not the same as meeting in person, but it is truly wonderful in a different way.
I am hopeful enough to be excited about planning things. I am eyeing fleeces and for me to be excited about processing fleece is something that comes rarely. It is probably my personal sign of spring.
I am excited about planning projects from fiber to a finished garment. My Knittyspin column for this issue starts a short series about planning for a knitted project. My planning adds in a few extra steps between choosing a pattern and jumping into sampling, I hope you find it helpful.
I hope as the seasons change wherever you are in the world you are able to find a bit of optimism and joy in your spinning.
[editor, Knittyspin]