Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

Running full-speed into a brick wall, except it's clouds
Being so very far behind for the Deep Fall issue made a whole bunch of things happen. First, I felt the very familiar feeling of motivational panic so many ADHDers like me use to keep going when they're almost depleted but cannot stop. It helps combat the days when I can't even concentrate on the basic fundamentals of life like having clean underpants. I made a big mistake (no, I'm not gonna tell you what it was, but trust that I am making it right). I also signed on for a professional development course to help spread the word about Knitty, and it's been eye opening, brain expanding, and – honestly – exhausting. All of that ran right into Winter '23 production and BOOM, I landed, not in a heap at the base of a brick wall, thankfully, but in a cloud.
We have a great issue! The advertisers came through at the 11th hour to help us make our budget. Our Patrons have been coming through since we went live with knitty+ in September, and the bug reports stopped more than 2 months ago, which is awesome! We have lost a lot of Patrons (we understand that this happens!), but have gained a whole bunch to help offset those losses. We may even be able to start to pay back-end developer Philly for his work on knitty+, which is key to its success and longevity.
The cloud I landed in is the cloud of support, a nebulous thing that exists without actually being a physical thing in nature. It's an uplifting force created by the thousands and thousands of people who like what Knitty does, the Patrons who support us financially every issue, the Advertisers who share their messages with our readers, the Designers who create the stuff we love to publish and you love to knit, and the Knitty team who work so hard on every issue. A million invisible puffs of support combine into something very strong.
You're part of that cloud. Thank you for being here.
This issue's theme was What the Fluff?!?! and it's all about the fuzzy and fluffy yarns we're seeing all over, in shops, on the websites of yarn dyers and at their festival stands, and in the project bags of knitters and crocheters all over the world. We have some great crochet content coming in our Winter Surprise (watch for it in January), and more in our Spring+Summer issue, too! And of course, tons for the knitters.
Wanna see? Off you go, then.
The world is so very bad, and I will let Jillian talk about how we handle that over here (check out her Editorial below). Please know I'm thinking of you especially if you are in a scary/dangerous part of the world, or if you are also struggling with just getting through the days. If you are able to let your knitting, crochet, spinning, or anything you make with your hands help you through your days, be grateful you have that resource and lean into it hard. It's a wondrous thing how it can help us start to heal when things feel beyond hope.
If you're a Knitty Patron – one of the lovely folk who support Knitty financially every issue – you already know about knitty+! What is it? It's a leaner, tidier way to interact with Knitty patterns, and it's a Patron-only feature. You can read about it here.
Become a Patron at the Tangy+ level and up, and you can start to use knitty+ right away! Can't afford to be a Patron? Sign up as a Follower for free, and you'll still get to hear all about it so you can join when it works with your budget.
The only reason we're still here is our Patrons! That's how we're able to publish 4 times per year. Our Patrons fund 80% of our operating and ongoing development costs, and every single dollar each Patron contributes helps. We really need you to join them! If you like rewards, you can get them starting at the $3.50 per issue level on Patreon! If you just want to support Knitty with no frills, this page lays out all the options.
We are also grateful for the Advertisers who choose to place their messages on our pages. They're small businesses just like Knitty is, and welcome you to visit their shops. If you can, please support them when you need to make a purchase.
To learn more about advertising with Knitty, pop over to our Rate Card.
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

How I'm coping with reality
There is so much going on right now – enormous international conflicts, small conflicts in the fiber world and a whole lot in between. News and social media are feeding an unending stream of information, and to me it feels like a firehose.
I know I have been fretting more intensely this year.
On top of this, the holidays are coming with the good and the stressful, and the literal dark days in North America.
When I see a potential extra stressful time coming, I do three things.
I make time for myself. I know I need to spend time alone every day just puttering or making. I get up early to do this. I also make sure I spend time with people who fill me up, you know, the friends that don’t care if you clean your house.
I dial back news, social media, and touching a computer in general. I do enough to know what’s going on, but daily checks are out.
I touch fiber or yarn in any way. It may be trying a little something new, practicing a technique, or spending time on sleeve island, but I make sure it’s something I’m interested in and excited to do.
If I do decide to make any gifts, I make sure that they are small and easy, nothing beyond a scarf, cowl or mittens. I rarely make gifts for holidays any more. My fiber-time, especially in the winter, is for me first and foremost.
This issue of Knitty has lots of different ways to sink into some fibery me-time.
There are the fantastic patterns, of course, but maybe you’d like to check out some of the amazing books we’ve reviewed that have come out this late fall and early winter? Or maybe you’d like to brush up on your yarn substituting skills by reading my latest column?
I hope you find ways that make you feel content and cozy this winter!
Happy knitting and spinning,
[editor, Knittyspin]