Letters From The Editors
The scoop from the editors

Are we there yet?
My household and family are all double-vaxxed. So many of you are as well, and that gives me comfort. But it ain't back to any sort of normal up here in Canada, and that's okay, even though it sucks, because we're looking at the bigger picture. We've managed to hang in this long. We can make it the rest of the way. But man, who knew it would be this hard?
I know so many of us have lost our creative oomph while fighting to feel any sort of normal. It's funny how we used to turn to our needlework when things were hard, but this is a new kind of hard. I've had to remind myself that I have resources that make me feel better and handwork is one of them. So I picked up the Tigerwheet tank that I started and then dropped last fall when the temperature dropped too. I'm going to finish it and wear it. I promise both you and me.
Meanwhile, in Knitty HQ, we've got a new visitor. She's a little dog we're fostering. If she and Schmoo, the rabbit, can peacefully and safely co-exist, she'll stay. If not, we helped her get a decent start in a new country and the rescue will have no trouble finding her a home because she's awesome. I'll tell you the whole story the next issue, whichever way this goes.
So back to knitting. And crochet! Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. That is a crocheted shawl on the cover of Knitty this time. We have started accepting crocheted patterns and we love the sweet simplicity of Hand Sown. Do you think you'll give it a try? You'll find crochet instruction in Plays Well Together, a column written specifically for knitters who want to learn to crochet. Start at the oldest column for tutorials on the basic stitches. You can do this! You'll find the rest of the patterns in the issue right here.
We've lost almost a hundred Patrons since the Spring+Summer issue came out (membership dips after each issue, but usually rebounds. This time, not so much.) The only way Knitty continues to be able to publish an issue every 3 months is because of the support of our Patrons and our Advertisers. Our Patrons carry the bulk of the weight of our operating costs, and every single dollar they contribute helps. We'd love you to join them! If you like rewards, you can get them starting at the $5/issue level on Patreon! If you just want to support Knitty with no frills, this page lays out all the options.
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Amy Singer
[editor, Knitty]

All Together Now
It’s summer when I am in North America and last week I got together with my vaccinated spinning group in person, outside, mask-free. We had cake and we hugged.
While I’m not ready to gather in big groups indoors mask-free, or stop reading about Covid-19 in the news, I feel good about small, careful gatherings.
It seems like this summer is both about opening and gathering when we can, but also planning what’s next. We aren’t going back to how it was before, and we need to process what happened.
Most fiber teachers I know are not going to let go of online teaching, I know I’m not. It’s inclusive, it’s pretty easy, and we’re used to it now. I love seeing spinners from around the world in my spinning office. I will still teach in person, but a little less. I also won’t give up the energy and wisdom of a whole bunch of spinners together in a room.
For fiber folk this time of the year is about planning what’s next for fall and winter spinning, especially since fiber shows are opening up, and online fibers shows aren’t going away. My column for this issue continues the discussion of planning for a project. In the last issue we deconstructed our patterns and the commercial yarns they called for, now we are going to build the yarn you want for your project.
I hope this season finds you gathering with fiber friends any way you can!
[editor, Knittyspin]